• August 16th, 2013

NRNA: onward and upward !!

NRNA must continue growing into an even more capable, vibrant, democratic and transparent, organization that can effectively and proactively serve the interests of all NRNs. It must be agile enough to adapt to changing interests and needs of NRNs and the changing circumstances in maatribhoomi. It must strictly maintain its nonpolitical, nonpartisan nature and status. NRNA’s path forward, as identified by its mission and goals, can be summarized as:

(1) Supporting maatribhoomi’s development and the improvement of the quality of life of all Nepalis.

(2) Supporting NRNs in preserving their heritage and in improving their quality of life and working conditions in the karmabhoomi.

(3) ensuring NRNA’s sustainability, which is also necessary for achieving (1) and (2).

These three tracks are necessarily interlinked and complementary and must be pursued faithfully, vigorously and simultaneously in a balanced, systematic and accelerated manner. The path ahead is grounded in broad principles and realistic programs that are important to NRNs and offers flexibility and adaptability. NRNA must (a) always retain the NRNs’ trust and confidence and (b) succeed in winning support, cooperation and facilitation from the government of Nepal and the Nepalis. NRNs constitute an increasingly important constituency of the government of Nepal and they must not be treated as ordinary tourists or casual visitors in Nepal. Their special relationship with the country must never be compromised. NRNs must be able to travel to their maatribhoomi freely, and as often as they wish, without the inconvenience of visa or limitation of stay. This is key to helping NRNs to maintain their socio-cultural, religious and linguistic heritage in their karmabhoomi and, at the same time, to encouraging and enabling them to come to Nepal and invest their money, insights and experiences there. As the global NRN community expands, and as it matures, its remittances to and investments in Nepal will naturally grow.

The value of this to Nepal cannot be exaggerated. It is crucial that NRNA carry on its campaign to secure full dual-citizenship rights or equivalent thereof, under whatever legalistic designation, for NRNs. NRNs’ citizenship in their maatribhoomi is sacred and must always remain intact — regardless of where their karmabhoomi is or what other citizenship(s) she/he has. This is what will encourage and enable every NRN to meaningfully contribute to the ongoing construction of a sundar, shaanta, bishaal Nepal (envisioned long ago by Mahakavi Devakota).

Finally, a major service NRNA provides for the benefit of both the global NRN community and the Nepalis in Nepal is the regular global NRN conference, followed by the regional NRN conference. Preparations are underway for the Fourth NRN Global Conference to be held October 13-15, 2009 in Kathmandu. The primary forum for information exchange, serious discussions and networking for NRNs, the conference is where the global NRN community meets the Nepalis. Opportunities to be involved in NRNA activities are best explored there. If the past conferences are any indication, the upcoming conference will be a phenomenon, a major melaa, that no NRN should miss (registration form and additional information available at http://www.nrn.org.np). As a member of the Conference Organizing Committee and an executive officer of NRNA, I extend my warmest personal invitation to each and every NRN to come participate in this important event. ♦

(First published in Outreach, souvenir publication of the 27 th Annual Convention of the Association of Nepalis in the Americas (ANA), July 2-4, 2009, Oakland, California, USA)

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